You can really get a lot done if you get up early and have nothing to do--up at 5:15 am for an early ride. I went to the top--11,200 ft--just about 3,000 ft of gain in 7 miles.

Going pretty well--here at about 10,900 ft--the road is very well-surfaced and has great views.

This photo does not do justice -- 17-21% grade at 11,000 ft--not going to be so much fun.

Okay, I lied--it was fun. Just how much? Here's the answer to my last post--hypoxia. You should be able to make out the data-- 18% grade, 11,151 ft alt., 233 watts and hr 135 bpm. What you cannot see is that I'm in my granny gear, my cadence is about 20 and that's 233 watts--not going to last very long! It was so steep at the top, I literally almost fell 3x --try riding 18% super loose gravel with one hand on the bars, all while trying to frame and focus a camera--probably not the smartest thing I have ever done on a bike.

These are the views of the road coming up.

This is looking over the back of the mountain--I believe that's Mt. of the Holy Cross which is one of the 54 14ers at 14,005 ft.