Thank you.
Thank you, Big Dave for:
-taking up biking to take care of yourself. I know it's not easy to take that time and make the effort, but you're doing it. I'm glad you haven't made it to 200 yet, but you're doing awesome!
-spending more time with Matt. I'm glad he has you to talk bike with and to bike with--it takes some of the pressure off me. Now if only you could get a cat...
-trekking all over the country with Matt and dragging your family along. I love it when you bring Quinn and it was great spending time with Jessica in Colorado. Couples only trip next time--biking in Oregon? Someplace with a spa?
-being you. It was fun riding with you--minus the circle-back-arounds and disrespect of no-talking zones. Ha.
Thank you, Bandit for:
-taking up biking to take care of yourself. Okay, your avoidance of ice cream is slightly annoying and seriously cramps my style, but your body is kicking! It's somewhat motivating to shrink my muffintop, anyway.
-taking us all over the place on your biking adventures. Yes, it's often a pain, but overall, a great time. How else would we know what great places the Duck Hotels are? The kids will have great memories of canyonballs at Mount Snow, the beach at the Greenbrier, and trampolining in Colorado. And eventually I'll forget the packing and traveling nightmares. Eventually.
-being sweet and appreciative of what we give and sacrifice for biking. A few kind words go a long way.
-always being mindful of staying safe. Whether it's lightning, riding on busy roads or potential pulmonary edema, I'm glad you err on the side of caution. I really don't think your life insurance money will keep me in the lifestyle to which I am accustomed.
-being you. I adore you.
Both of you, I am very proud of you. You are both great role models for our kids (at least in terms of the biking)--the dedication you show, the efforts that you make and the manner in which you have handled disappointment. It's so good for them to see you not exhibit poor sportsmanship, blaming, excusing, etc. I know that you will both get back to training and will learn from any mistakes. That's such a great lesson for the kids to see your example.
I know you're disappointed, frustrated and probably angry. I, for one, had a great time at the race with Jessica and we have further refined our crewing strategies. So if the lottery gods are kind, we'll be there with our cowbells a-ringing next year. Go Jackrabbit Racing!!! Let's kick ass at the VT50!