Friday, November 6, 2009

Friday in Traverse City

After driving all night, catching a few pre-dawn hours of sleep, being woken up by the crazy Jones kids, Big D was psyched to head out with me for a quick pre-ride of the second half of the course. The big guy says he's blown up 30 pounds--of course, that's a bit of poetic license--I'll give him maybe 10 extra pounds, but his 2 month hiatus from the bike certainly had him huffing and puffing over these little rollers. We didn't quite fly into the no-talk zone, but he says there's no way he's going to better last year's time--I don't know--it's supposed to be in the 50s tomorrow and the course is super-fast. Good luck to both of us.

While we pre-rode, the kids hit the playground at Timber Ridge and did a little SnoCone course recon. Though they worked hard, they saved up enough energy for a second trip of the day to the waterpark. The only way to get them out was bribery--their weakness is ice cream. So, we cut the deal--you get out of the water, go back to the room, get your jammies on and we'll head down to Edy's for some ice cream.

You would have thought it was the second coming of the Messiah. It was the only time all day I heard silence and there was obedience.

A little pre-decision anxiety--what should I get? What should I get? And then they spoke--peanut butter cup, vanilla, double fudge brownie and cotton candy.

Silence again. Golden. Off to sleep...eventually...

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